Before we started this blog, we did some aerial photography of the area for local real estate agents. We hired a woman pilot who flew out of Dover. The flight had been postponed several times because of clouds, rain, and/or wind. It just so happened that Andrew was visiting when we got the call to go up. We had asked permission ahead of time if he could go along if he happened to be with us when we were able to fly.

We were told that the small plane had heat up front but not in the back. Since Andrew and I would be sitting in the back, I was concerned that he would be cold. I made him put four layers of clothes on (much to his distress) and I pretty much did the same. Path also dressed warmly. Andrew was excited and I was overly protective, worrying about any fear he might have. Actually, he had none. He was fine. And hot!!! Once we started flying, I realized how we had over dressed. We were so crowded in our little plane that it was hard to undress. We sweated and Andrew looked at me as if to say, "I told you so".

We took off from a field off of rt. 1. Let me repeat--a field, a grassy, rutty field. Once we got up in the air, we were in awe with what we saw. Water water everywhere. What did the houses and buildings sit on? Was that real dirt they were on or did they bring in dirt to set the houses on. Being from Lancaster County, PA, I loved seeing the farms, barns, and fields. But then we'd come to more water.

Path was busy clicking away as I did not bring a camera along. I kept fussing over Andrew and he kept saying he was fine. All of a sudden I realized that I did not feel so well. One good thing I did to plan for this trip was bring along plastic bags in case Andrew got sick. Well, guess who got sick. I started gagging into my plastic bag. Andrew just looked at me. Once Path heard me, she admitted she didn't feel so well either. The pilot just laughed (nicely). She stopped at Ocean City Airport to let us recuperate. All I wanted to do was go home. Andrew wanted something to eat at the airport. I said NO.

We got back into the plane, minus some clothes and took off. No good. Path and I were still sick, holding plastic bags, and it seemed like the plane was going in too many circles. Being a good photographer, however, Path still clicked away and got some good shots. We cut the flight short and feeling like fools headed back to our house.

I hope we didn't frighten Andrew for life from flying someday on a bigger airplane.

Several weeks later we bought some meds and took three of them a piece and went back up with no problems. More good photos. I've included some photos here of Andrew, a space ship, the towers on the beach at Henlopen. More photos are in a slide show on the right side.


We've been very busy over the winter months. There really wasn't any down time because of weather. Yes, we had major blizzards here in Delaware, but work stopped for only a few days. Path has been doing most of the photography since I've been laid up with rotator cuff surgery and could not use my arm for much. I still can't hold my arm up to take a picture.

See Me Beautiful Photography found a new outlet for creativity. Path has taken photographs of two pregnant women in their last months of pregnancy. These are beautiful images, and we hope to get their permission to post some of them on our blog. Both women have just given birth to two healthy baby boys.

SMB Real Estate Photography was kept busy too over the winter months. Houses are selling down here and realtors are still in the need of quality photos.

We've done work for Schell Brothers and Echelon Custom Interiors. They entered some of their homes into national competition and won several gold and silver awards. We felt honored to have helped them win in a small way via our photographs. If you come down Rt. 1 into Rehoboth Beach, you'll see two billboards with our photography showing their homes.


Schell Brothers Gold Award/SMB Photos

Gold Award for Best Single-Family Detached Home 1,801 to 2,400 sq. ft. -
Project Name: Heritage Creek - Madison Location: Milton, Del. Designer/Architect: Schell Brothers, Rehoboth Beach, Del. Builder: Schell Brother, Rehoboth, Del. Interior Designer: Echelon Interiors, Rehoboth Beach, Del. ...

Schell Brothers Silver Award/SMB Photos

Silver Award for Best Community Facility 151 Units and Over -
Project Name: Palmer Hill Location: Stamford, Conn. Designer/Architect: Minno & Wasko, Lambertville, N.J. Builder: Sun Homes/Buckingham Partners, Pawling, N.Y. Interior Designer: Lynn Morgan Design, Rowayton, Conn