We were honored to photograph this annual event. The Beach House which is in Lewes works to assist children with special needs.

1 comment:

  1. Using drone videos and photos to market your property shows potential sellers that you are taking every opportunity to make their properties look amazing - and stand out. Drones are also used to market commercial real estate. In cities across the Australia, Americas, Europe and Asia, drones are used to plan and photograph high-rise buildings and other multi-unit projects, either to assist them with sales or to inspect and measure them. Commercial photographers are quick to turn to drones. The use of camera drones to market real estate in the United States has increased. Of the first 1,000 FAA exemptions granted to commercial Drone Experts Melbourne , more than 350 related to property marketing. The commercial photography industry is clearly relying on drones to meet the rapidly growing demand for high quality aerial video and photography.
